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Survey of Accounting 10th Edition

Survey of Accounting 10th Edition

Survey of Accounting 10th Edition


Carl Warren; Amanda Farmer; Jefferson P. Jones

ISBNs: 0357900294, 0357900383, 9780357900291, 9780357900383, 978-0357900291, 978-0357900383, B0B57X99L6

English | 2024 | Original PDF | 674 Pages

Master today's most essential topics in financial and managerial accounting today using the unique Integrated Financial Statement Framework in Warren/Farmer/Jones’s SURVEY OF ACCOUNTING, 10E. Written specifically for readers who have no prior knowledge of accounting, this edition's focuses only on topics that are essential to the understanding of accounting as a manager or professional. The book's distinctive framework illustrates the impact of transactions on financial statements without the use of debits and credits. The authors also incorporate Metric Analyses that connect transactions and management decisions to financial condition and performance metrics used by businesses. New coverage addresses the use of data analytics and changes in retail operations. Updated and streamlined content throughout this edition and contemporary examples from actual organizations further highlight the importance of accounting transactions on management decisions in businesses today.