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Auditing and Assurance Services 18th Edition

Auditing and Assurance Services 18th Edition

Auditing and Assurance Services 18th Edition


Alvin A. Arens

ISBNs: B0BTVFWB88, B00GSCPSZQ, 0137879261, 0138103062, 0138099251, 9780137879199, 9780138099275 , 9780137879267, 9780138103064, 9780138099251, 978-0137879199, 978-0138099275 , 978-0137879267, 978-0138103064, 978-0138099251

English | 2023 | Original PDF | 945 Pages

Auditing and Assurance Services examines the process of conducting an audit from start to finish. The text's primary objective is to illustrate auditing concepts using practical examples and real-world settings. Using key real audit decisions as your foundation, you’ll be able to successfully conduct an audit according to a financial reporting framework.