Nitish Kumar
ISBNS: B0CQPZCG38, 1032492627, 9781032492629, 9781032492636, 9781003392897, 978-1032492629, 978-1032492636, 978-1003392897
English | 2024 | PDF | 295 Pages
Crop improvement using classically induced mutagenesis is now well
standardized. Many new promising varieties of different crops have been
successfully developed worldwide using both physical and chemical
mutagens. Voluminous literature is now available on basic and applied
aspects of mutagenesis. The mutation technique has been refined and
holds the promise of generating much wider and more desirable
variability than classical breeding. Recent advances in technology
combined with classical mutation breeding offer new and exciting
challenges for the development of new varieties. A global inventory of
induced mutagenesis activities for crop improvement is requried. This
book covers both basic and applied aspects of mutation and its impact on
various crops: it is extremely well prepared and contains a huge volume
of information accumulated using classically induced mutagenesis on
different crops in different countries.
Three key features:
Describes the importance of induced mutation in crop plant research and its application to production
Highlights new advances in the understanding of plant mutagenesis in crop improvement
Contains contributions from major leaders in the field of plant mutation research
volume brings together all the important and relevant literature in the
field. It provides a complete account of the mutation breeding of
crops, presenting conclusions about the value of the method, its
possibilities, limitations, and shortcomings, and the possible
difficulties of further application in various crops. The initial
chapters deal with the interactions between mutagenic treatment and
plant material, such as aspects of mutagenic treatment, postirradiation
behavior of shoot apices, and adventitious bud techniques. All available
literature is then discussed crop by crop and critically evaluated.
This will serve as an extremely comprehensive guide for researchers,
teachers, students, and individuals who are interested in using induced
mutagenesis as a tool for crop improvement.