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ELT in Asia in the Digital Era: Global Citizenship and Identity

ELT in Asia in the Digital Era: Global Citizenship and Identity

ELT in Asia in the Digital Era: Global Citizenship and Identity



Proceedings of the 15th Asia TEFL and 64th TEFLIN International Conference on English Language Teaching, July 13-15, 2017, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

1st Edition by Suwarsih Madya (Editor), Fuad Abdul Hamied (Editor), Willy A. Renandya (Editor), Christine Coombe (Editor), Yazid Basthomi (Editor)

This proceedings book captures a wide range of timely themes for readers to be able to foresee the digital era's impact on English teaching in non-English speaking countries. English used in the global environment, the frequent mobile communication, and the use of AI-based translators are bringing about dramatic changes in our English language learning and teaching. Who can provide us the wisdom to know what to do? Those scholars going through these complex environmental changes! A collection of puzzle pieces may bring us a better contour for the future than a perfectly edited book. It's indeed a pleasure reading these insightful pieces to gain wisdom for the future of ELT practices in global contexts.

Year 2018
Pages 594
Language English
Format PDF
Size 8 MB
ISBN-10 815379005
ISBN-13 978-0815379003