Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy: Evidence to Practice
6th Edition
by Donna Frownfelter; Elizabeth Dean; Marcia Stout; Rob Kruger; Joseph Anthony
Commensurate with an emphasis on evidence-based practice and
health competencies to improve patient outcomes, get a solid foundation
in cardiovascular and pulmonary physiology and rehabilitation! Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physical Therapy: Evidence and Practice, 6th Editionprovides
a holistic, person-centered approach to the spectrum of cardiovascular
and pulmonary physical therapy. From examination and evaluation to
interventions, this book guides you through the health promotion
strategies for maximizing patients’ health and wellbeing, in conjunction
with managing the needs of patients with acute and chronic conditions,
those in intensive care units, and of special populations such as
children and elders. Selected case studies translate related scientific
research into evidence-based practice and enhance clinical decision
making. Now including an enhanced eBook version (with print purchase),
this text details the latest best practices to help achieve the best
physical therapy outcomes.
- Coverage of evidence-based practice includes
the latest research from leading top-tier journals to support physical
therapist clinical reasoning and decision making.
- Realistic scenarios and case examples show the application of concepts to evidence-based practice.
- Holistic approach supports
treating the whole person rather than just the symptoms of a disease or
disorder, covering medical, physiological, psychological, psychosocial,
therapeutic, practical, and methodological aspects.
- Full-color photos and illustrations enhance your understanding of the book's concepts, ideas, and management considerations.
- Emphasis on the terminology and guidelines of the APTA's Guide to Physical Therapist Practice keeps
the book consistent with the practice standards in physical therapy,
including the International Classification of Functioning, Disability
and Health.
- Primary and secondary cardiovascular and pulmonary conditions are emphasized, along with their co-existence.
- Multimorbidity focus is usedrather than a single-disease framework, with attention to implications for assessment, management, and evaluation.
- Integrated approach to oxygen transport demonstrates how the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems function interdependently to support all organ systems.
- Key terms and review questions in each chapter focus your learning on important concepts and translating these into practice.
- NEW! Updated content reflects the latest research and clinical practice in the field.